This shall be my final photo update, so I thank all those who contributed to the site and hope all who have read it have found it of interest and enjoyed in the sharing of some great photographs. This has without doubt been one of greatest seawatching experieiences of my life and it's been a pleasure for me to share some of the more memorable moments with you. So until next time..Mucho gracias y hasta luego mi amigos
Great Shearwaters showing heavy post breeding moult; will these be the same individuals passing the Bridges of Ross in August I wonder?
A cropped section of a much much larger flock of Great Sheartwater. Approx10,000 in this sea area
Adult Black browed Albatross
Southern Giant Petrel (note Green tipped bill)
Northern Giant Petrel (note Red tipped bill)
A nice series of Wilson's Storm Petrel shots, showing distinctive pale carpal bar, large hand, and projecting toes.